Learn more about
The Governors

Thank you for expressing an interest in The Schools of Woolton Hill. Both our schools are friendly, engaging places, full of life, very much at the heart of the village and our community.
The schools have always been very popular with both children from the local villages, and nearby Newbury. Parents are often drawn to the village school environment and exceptional community engagement, that can be found within. It is regularly commented on by our parents, and we truly value the ethos, and culture it promotes.
We also appreciate good progress and high standards, which we strive for the children to achieve during their time in our school.
Due to our village location, our school is extremely lucky to have an enviable outside space, that few others can offer. This allows us to deliver many, varied activities and experiences. These ensure the children can develop a love of learning, both inside and outside the classroom, offering a breadth of curriculum that many cannot replicate. Along with dedicated and experienced teachers and support staff who, all contribute to the children’s success.
I do hope that you have found the information contained in this prospectus helpful. We believe our school is a great place to be, and hope you do too!
Chris McGowan
Chair of Governors
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
About the Governors
The Governor Board is made of up of:
Members of staff, including the Executive Headteacher;
Foundation Governors, who's appointment is approved by the Diocese (Church);
Parent Governors, elected by Parents; and
Co-Opted Governors, appointed by the Governing Board to provide necessary skills or experience.
You can find out more about the Governors below, including any committee roles. You can also find more details, including their meeting attendance, by clicking on their photos below.
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Structure of the sub-committees
Gemma Duff
Monitor the provision of teaching within the school
Teaching & Learning
Lynsey Cooper
Monitor the financials and use of resources in the school and ensures the Schools compliance with all applicable requirements
Resourcing & Compliance
Minutes of Meetings
File Name
11 July 2024
Full Governing Board
16 May 2024
Full Governing Board
21 March 2024
Full Governing Board