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Year RReading: all children will bring an appropriate reading book home linked to their phonic knowledge. Reading record books should be filled in daily so that you can share comments on progress and enjoyment with school staff. The staff will choose books for the children linking exactly to their learning. Once settled into school, children will also be sent home weekly phonics (sounds to learn) and high frequency words to read by sight.
Year 1Daily Reading books (linked to phonics assessments) will be changed once a week. Children have access to other books and can change these when they want to. Weekly mental Maths (NUMBOTS can be used). Weekly phonics or spellings (Common Exception Words and taught spelling rules) in English.
Year 2Reading books (linked to phonics assessments). Once phonics is mastered children will choose appropriate books in their colour band independently. Books will be changed at least once a week. Children have access to other books and can change these when they want to. Weekly mental Maths (NUMBOTS can be used). Weekly phonics or spellings (Common Exception Words and taught spelling rules) in English
OverviewChildren will bring home reading books every day. Please ensure these are returned when requested. In addition, children will be given tasks to support learning in English and numeracy lessons, and occasionally to extend learning in other subject areas.
Year 3,4,5 & 6Daily reading books will be changed as appropriate. Children have access to other books and can change these when they want to as well as a weekly Library book. Weekly spellings based on common exception words and taught spelling rules for each year group. These will be set on Friday and tested the following week on Friday. A weekly English task, which can be related to reading comprehension, grammar and punctuation and questions related to a text. A weekly mental Maths worksheet or tasks related to Maths topic work. Times Table Rockstars (computer based tasks for times tables) Spelling Shed (computer based tasks to improve spellings) As children progress towards Year 6 they may often be given additional activities including SATs revision. Parents should encourage greater independence as children move into upper Key Stage 2
Returning HomeworkAll homework will be sent home with your child in a folder on Friday and should be returned in the same folder on Wednesday
Home Learning
Children, parents and teachers working together is a priority for all children in the school to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Homework is an essential part of pupils’ learning. In line with National Curriculum requirements. Children are encouraged to establish good homework habits from the beginning of their school life.
If you have any questions related to homework, or any aspect of your childs learning, don't hesitate to contact their teacher.
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