Strategic Objectives
Developing Special Educational Needs provision in English
How will pupils, teachers and the school benefit?
SEN children make good progress over the year.
Children/teachers will have a clear defined learning journey for SEN children which has been tailored to their needs.
Linked to these Strategic Aims
High quality, inclusive teaching
Build and maintain an irresistible curriculum
How will it be done?
There will always be a clear and specific handover from previous class teacher.
The English lead will work with staff to support accurate assessment for learning.
Teachers will adapt/differentiate main learning journey to suit SEN children – objectives taken from relevant year group.
Teachers may use an alternative book which follows same theme of main class but to a more appropriate reading level.
The English lead will monitor planning for SEN Journeys and feedback next steps.
Expectations are always made clear to teachers about how SEND children will access whole class reading lessons and if/when other approaches are required.