Strategic Objectives
Improving the learning environment
How will pupils, teachers and the school benefit?
Staff feel confident to deliver a range of Outdoor learning lessons, both linked to learning in other National Curriculum subjects.
Staff teach a high quality, progressive and well sequenced Outdoor Learning Curriculum (linked to Team Building, 6 Strands & Mental Health).
All classes are actively engaged in outdoor learning and children can articulate what they are learning on the outdoors and how it links to previous lessons.
Linked to these Strategic Aims
Maximise the potential of our school environments
How will it be done?
Training in the use of outdoor learning resources.
Training for outdoor leaders from Local Authority outdoor learning team.
Outdoor leaders to visit other schools to see excellent teaching.
Curriculum Development
Outdoor leads to identify opportunities to support the current curriculum through outdoor learning and mark these in the Long Term Map.
Staff Meetings to show outdoor learning across the curriculum and address ways to reduce barriers to access.
Outdoor leads to write a sequenced and progressive Long Term Map for Outdoor Learning knowledge & skills. Upload to Curriculum section of the school Website.
Coaching trios to focus on supporting staff to teach in the outdoors.