Friday 14th July
Headteacher's Update
What an exciting few weeks it has been across the Federation. It was wonderful to see the whole school community come together to enjoy the musical performances, excellent food, fun and games of WoolFest. This Woolton Hill tradition continues to be one of the highlights of the school year and I would like to thank The Friends of Woolton Hill Junior School for their hard work and organisation. I would like to say a massive thank you on behalf of myself and all our staff to the helpers who give up their time on a regular basis to come into school and make such a difference by listening to children read, keeping our school library looking so good and the PTA for their continued support in fundraising for our school.
Arts week was a huge success. Tim Furr; author and illustrator thrilled classes with exciting workshops - see below for details of art workshops Tim is holding.
All of our children were able to produce excellent illustrations due to his easy to follow step by step instructions. It was also wonderful to see both schools filled with families at the end of the week, to view the amazing artwork the children had produced.
I was a delighted to accompany Year 2 pupils to the annual 'Leavers Service' at Romsey Abbey. The children were treated to a walking tour of the Abbey in the morning before participating in an Act of Worship in the Abbey on the theme of Friendship. Many children had an opportunity to take part in a variety of roles including carrying the school banner, reading prayers or talking about the beautiful art work the year group had produced.
Next Week
Reminder - Our Year 2 leavers assembly will take place at 9am on Wednesday 19th (Y2 parents) and the Summer Concert at 2pm (all welcome).
On Wednesday and Thursday next week there is a menu change - Wednesday will be roast dinner and Thursday will be pizza.
Thank you for all your efforts to return reading books and Library books. Many families have already returned everything which is a great help. If children still have outstanding Library books on loan, they will come home with a letter today - please check book bags and then search for the books to return early next week please. If books are still outstanding, we will ask parents for a contribution towards the cost of the lost book.
Sports Day
I am sorry that it was necessary to move Sports Day due to the appalling weather forecast for today. We have our fingers crossed for better weather on Monday. The school gates will be open at 9.20am and the whole family is welcome to come along and show their support. A family picnic will take place at lunchtime and afterwards children are free to leave school with their family. There will be no school lunches provided on Monday so your child will require a packed lunch. Children remaining in school for the rest of the afternoon will remain with school staff and pick up will be from the Infant School at normal time. Quackers After School Club will operate as normal.
Please remember to show consideration for our neighbours when parking for this event or preferably please walk into school that day.
Art Workshop
During the summer holidays, local artist, Tim Furr known to us for his school visits, will be holding three art workshops for children at the Ugly Duckling Pottery in Newbury. The dates are July 27th, August 10th and August 24th.It will be 90 minutes of fun drawing and colouring. You'll be drawing lots of things like monsters, dinosaurs, witches, robots and other malarkey. The cost is £14.50 per child and one parent goes free! For more information and to book your place, go Places are limited so get a wiggle on!
Term Dates & INSETs
Please follow this link to view our term dates and INSET days for 2023/24.
School finishes normal time on Friday 21st July. Due to INSET days, the children return to school at 8.45am on Tuesday 5th September. Whether pupils are wearing the new uniform, or the old, I am looking forward to them looking really smart upon their return to school.
Please can you send your child with a carrier bag with them into school next week so as we can send home any books etc. I would like to wish all of our families a fantastic summer break.
Best wishes
Paul Davies
Executive Headteacher