Friday 7th February 2025
Headteacher's Update

Schools have a dual responsibility when it comes to online safety: to ensure the school's online procedures keep children and young people safe, and to teach them about online safety, in and outside of school.
We use an IWF (Internet Web Filtering) compliant filter system that carefully monitors all internet usage. Staff select age appropriate websites for pupils to access and we force 'safe search' on Google. We foster an environment in which children are encouraged to ask any questions and participate in an ongoing conversation about the benefits and risks of the online world.
Mobile phones - do you know the risks?
We know that children having access to a smartphone can expose children to risks including:
• Viewing inappropriate content
• Excessive screen time/use, which in turn can affect their mental health and sleep pattern.
• Contact from inappropriate people/grooming
• Cyberbullying
• Spending money on in-app purchases/scams
Watch this video (for parents) to learn more about the impact of mobile phone usage in children.
I would also like to thank the families who have recently donated games and equipment to Hedgehogs class - this is really appreciated.
Children's Mental Health Week

Our newly appointed MH ambassadors brought everyone together on Monday to launch Mental Health Week. They made an amazing power point raising awareness of the issues and how the children can support their own and others mental health. They offered top tips for activities the children could carry out at home if they needed coping strategies.
Their biggest message was to pay compliments to each other, use kind words to “fill someone’s bucket” with positivity. They also encouraged pupils to wear a scarf on to school today to show awareness and support. The ambassadors have also provided a Top Tip for home - "Set yourself a new realistic challenge, Can you read a book in a week? Learn a new skill such as baking or drawing."
A few reminders this week. Sometime parents ask member of staff to complete paperwork ahead of outside assessments and medical appointments. We will always help when we can, but ask that at least two weeks notice is provided for us to be able to respond.
It is great to see pupils with lots of fruit in their lunches, but we advise parents to cut grapes in half to avoid the risk of choking. This is especially helpful for infant pupils.
We ask parents not to let their children play on the gym equipment, trim trail or den building areas before or after school.
Foodbank Donations
Spread some food love on Friday 14th February: School Councillors would really like you to please bring in food donations on Thursday or Friday next week for our next food bank collection. We hope to make a big collection of items for the West Berkshire food bank and help people in our community struggling with food poverty.

Author Event

A reminder that school is closed on Monday 24th February for INSET training. School will re-open on Tuesday 25th February after half term.
Local Production

School Uniform

Letting Their Light Shine
George is part of the Craven Hunt Pony Club and has represented the them, competing in both show jumping (on his pony Blue) and triathlon events (throw, swim and cross country run) in 2024.
He was recently awarded the “pony club committee’s choice best all round pony” with Blue who can turn his hoof to anything and is a total superstar! Here he is being presented with his trophy by the Brazilian Olympic event rider Rafael Losano.

Star Awards
The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!
Friday 31st January
James C
Charlotte L
Thomas B
Bertie H
Jack T
Amy L
Friday 7th February
Lydia B
Masie S
Ben N
Noah G
Hugo G
Ella M
Life Learning
Friday 31st January
Oliver S
Arlo G
Emily B
Friday 7th February
Elodie S
Amy L
Artie E