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Junior Newsletter

Writer's picture: Mr DaviesMr Davies
Friday 22nd March

Headteacher's Update

The staff team and Governors are constantly striving to improve the provision that we offer our children and families. Your feedback is always really helpful for us to identify what we are getting right and where we can do better.

This year we have focussed on improving the quality of learning in writing & maths as well as 'Life Learning', 'Outdoor Learning' and children's mental health. We have tried to create more opportunities for parents to be in school. You can read more about this work here.

Your voice is important in shaping the future journey of our Federation so I would ask all parents to take five minutes to complete our annual parent survey here. Thanks in advance for your feedback, which we will carefully consider.

I would like to thank all of our families who generously donated to our fundraising for Comic Relief. We raised £322 across both schools.

This will be the last newsletter before the Easter break. The Spring term finishes on Thursday 28th March and pupils return at 8.45am on Monday 15th April. I would like to wish all of our families a very Happy Easter!

Governor Vacancies

We currently have vacancies on our Governing body. The Governing Body plays an important role in improving our Federation. Governors are welcomed as valued members of the team and play a vital role in ensuring the governing body is aware of the views of parents and the local community.

We feel sure that there are parents prepared to take on this important role and give their time and commitment to helping us to continue to improve the school's performance. Find out more here.

Upcoming Events

Please note it has been necessary to postpone Monday 25th March's Parent Workshop on Managing Pupil Behaviour - unfortunately not enough parents signed up to make it viable to run. We will offer an alternative date in the summer term.

We hope that lots of parents will sign up to attend our upcoming E-Safety workshop, run by HARRAP ICT. Book here:


A reminder to all parents to please ensure that no children use the Gym equipment or trim trail before or after school (i.e. during drop-off and pick up). Unfortunately our insurance does not cover accidents.

Sporting Update

On Tuesday 12th March we took 40 children from the across the Junior School to take part in the West Berkshire Cross Country race held at Newbury Showground. The conditions were far from ideal, but this did not deter the children from performing fantastically.  There were over 1,600 children taking part from across West Berkshire and each race saw over 200 children competing. All the children should be extremely proud of themselves for taking part with a special mention to Rosie Armstrong in Year 3 who finished 8 in her race! Well done!

The year 5 and 6 children have also been involved in a Rugby Tournament at Newbury Rugby Club where they played a variety of schools in West Berkshire, winning all four of the matches that they played. A huge well done to all the children involved in these matches. 

Quakers Holiday Club

Star Awards

The following children received Star Awards this week! They should all be really proud, well done!

15th March: Logan B, Teddy W, Harley H, Albie T, Darcey H, Jack D, Amaria W, Martin M, Charlie M, Noah H, Tilly C, Rosie A, Xander B, Emily W

22nd March: Henry B, Rose H, Sebi H, Sofia E, Daniel B, Martha M, Evie C, Megan A, Finn K, Harry C, Finn K, Ellie C

Life Learning


15th March: Alice M, Lexie M, Sophia C, Max N, Finley L

22nd March: Lacey H, Ollie B, Noah L, Ollie P, Samuel A


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