Homework is an essential part of pupils’ learning. In line with National Curriculum requirements. Children are encouraged to establish good homework habits from the beginning of their school life.
We continually seek to improve the quality of education that we provide your children and in response to feedback have made improvements to our home learning policy. Mrs Watson has made a short video to explain the new home learning policy. We've also provided more details here. You can also visit the homework section of our website here.
What sort of homework should I expect for my child?
Children will bring home reading books every day. Please ensure these are returned when requested. In addition, children will be given tasks to support learning in English and numeracy lessons, and occasionally to extend learning in other subject areas.
Homework tasks will depend on the age and ability of children, but in general terms the following can be expected:
Reading: all children will bring an appropriate reading book home linked to their phonic knowledge. Reading record books should be filled in daily so that you can share comments on progress and enjoyment with school staff. The staff will choose books for the children linking exactly to their learning. Once settled into school, children will also be sent home weekly phonics (sounds to learn) and high frequency words to read by sight.
Year 1
Reading: Reading Books (linked to phonics assessments) are changed once a week. Children have access to other books too and can change these when they want to and are labelled ‘Shared Reading Books’. These are to be shared with an adult as they may not be an exact match for your child’s current phonic needs.
Maths: Weekly mental maths practise is given out as a paper copy. These can be reused and do not need to be returned to school. Numberbots is an online computer game to learn number facts.
Weekly differentiated phonics or spellings (Common Exception Words and taught spelling rules) in English. These are sent out at the beginning of each term. They can also be accessed on Google Classrooms.
Year 2
Reading: Reading books (linked to phonics assessments) are changed once a week. Once phonics is mastered, children will choose appropriate books in their colour band. Books will be changed weekly by your child.
Maths: Weekly mental maths practise is given out as a paper copy. These can be reused and do not need to be returned to school. Numberbots is an online computer game to learn number facts.
Weekly differentiated phonics or spellings (Common Exception Words and taught spelling rules) in English.
A bi-weekly English task which can be related to reading comprehension, grammar and punctuation and questions related to a text.
A bi-weekly Maths task, which can be related to recent learning in the classroom to consolidate learning.
Learning times tables using Times Table Rockstars (computer based tasks for times tables)
Year 1 and Year 2 Maths and English games on Purple Mash (optional).
We hope that you will share our enthusiasm for homework and recognise the improvements that these changes will bring. Your support is essential and will help us to help your child to fulfil their full potential.
If you have any questions or feedback, then please get in touch!