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Newsletter 27 May 2022

Headteachers Update

What a busy week it has been!

Children and parents have yet again produced an amazing response to our request for cakes for this afternoon's Cake Sale. Not only has this been a chance to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, but we have also been able to raise funds for the Ukrainian Appeal. Thank you to all of our families for their efforts!

As part of their Design Technology work, the children made sandwiches and picnicked on the field at the Junior school. It was wonderful to see the children enjoying the fruits of their labours and having fun in our wonderful grounds.

We are currently making a few changes to our school environment to improve learning for the children. As part of this, today, Rabbits have moved classrooms into what was the vacant classroom next door. The old Rabbits Classroom will undergo a transformation into the school library over the coming months.

Staffing Update

I begin this update with the sad news that Mrs Watson will be leaving St. Thomas' at the end of the school year. Mrs Watson has secured a wonderful promotion at another school in Newbury and we wish her well for this exciting challenge. Mrs Watson will be greatly missed across the Federation - since she joined in 2012, she has made a big difference to the children who have gone through the school and has supported their families too, including as Acting Deputy Head. I would like to thank her for the contribution she has made to teaching and leadership and wish her the very best of luck for the future.

I am delighted to inform you that Miss Tice was successful on interview and will become a full-time teacher at St Thomas' from September. Miss Tice is a superb teacher and has already made a very successful start since joining our Federation and we are delighted that she will have her own class next year.

Sadly, Mrs Jordan will leave our Federation at the end of this school year to join a school in West Berkshire. Since joining the Juniors in September, she has quickly become a vital member of our team. I know Mrs Jordan will be a huge success in her new school - they are very lucky to have her.

Time has certainly flown by this year and we are excited that Mrs Dickson returns from her maternity leave in July. Mrs Dickson has already been back in school two days this week and the children were so pleased to see her!

Mrs Chivers has resigned her post of learning Support Assistant and leaves the Junior School this half term to take up a new position in the health sector. Mrs Chivers has been amazing with our children and she will be hugely missed. I would like to wish her the best of luck for her new challenge.

We have successfully recruited a fantastic new Learning Support Assistant who joins our team at the Junior School after half term. Mrs Dunne is experienced in the role and I am confident that she will bring a lot of skill to our team.

I am delighted to advise that we have recently welcomed some new members to our Governing Body: Fiona Ashworth as Foundation Governor, Abbie Dando and Rachael Dennett as Parent Governors and Karen Callow as Staff Governor.

I hope you all have a relaxing Half Term break and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school at 8.45am on Monday 6th June.

INSET Days 2022 to 2023

Thursday 1st September

Friday 2nd September

Monday 31st October

Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Monday 5th June 2023

Wrap Around Care

I am delighted to be able to offer families with children at St Thomas', places at the brand new Breakfast Club at the Junior school. These sessions will start from 7.30am and children will be safely walked to the Infants for the start of school. In addition to the continuing, existing, 'St Thomas After School Club', we will also be offering a Holiday club, starting from Monday 25th July, at the Junior School. Please click on this link to find out more information and to book a place.

For this provision to succeed the clubs need to be used. To help promote the provision and to help parents find out more Casa will be running FREE taster sessions for children where parents can bring their children along and find out more about the clubs. These sessions will take place between 3.30pm and 4.30pm on:

  • Thursday 16th June

  • Thursday 23rd June and

  • Thursday 7th July.

You are welcome to come along if you are interested in either the breakfast or holiday sessions. Click here to register your interest. They promise to be a lot of fun!

Governing Body

The Governing Body have a vacancy for a Clerk. This is a paid role and you can find out more by clicking here.

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