Dear Parents/Carers,
The PTA would like to extend their thanks to all of you who bought and sold raffle tickets in December. We raised a fantastic amount, which was superb given the circumstances with Covid at the time.
We would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the family who made a very generous donation too. Fundraising has been incredibly challenging lately; your donations make a huge difference to the school and are very much appreciated.
You may remember that you all kindly donated bottles for our Christmas Tombola which had to be postponed in December – these have been safely stored and will be used during this year’s ‘Summer Social’ (more on that to follow).
Fundraising Goals
Following our last committee meeting, we have discussed with Mr. Davies what our fundraising goals are this term. The school have kindly asked us to raise funds towards new learning pads for the children to use. The PTA have also agreed to fund another WOW event for the children as well - Mrs. Watson will be providing more information on this soon. The WOW event Pantomime that was cancelled in December, has been rescheduled for the end of the summer term – we are sure that the children will look forward to this!
Below is a quick fundraising update, followed by a date for your diary and plans for some exciting events this term!
Fundraising Update
Event Amount raised
Christmas Raffle £555.82
Christmas Crafts £104.50
Uniform Sales £97.00
Bag2School (January) £103.50
Amazon Smile £54.68
Donations £400.00
Bag2School (March) £82
Matched Funding To be confirmed
TOTAL £1953.32
Events & fundraising this term
· Spring Disco - Wednesday 4th May 3.15-5pm. Information has been sent today
· Non-Uniform Day - Friday 17th June
· Ice Cream Fridays - Every Friday throughout June and July
· Sports Day ‘Big Breakfast’ - Tuesday 5th July
· Summer Social - Saturday 16th July
Volunteering at events!
To run our events, we rely on the help of volunteers. If you would like to join our committee, help at any of our events, or if you have some new ideas for the PTA to raise valuable funds for our school, please let us know!
The next event that the PTA would like volunteers for is the Spring Disco. Please speak to Claire Hannah or Claire Maestri if you are able to help.
Thank you for all of your continued support!
Claire Hannah & Claire Maestri
PTA Co-Chair & Secretary