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We’re online!

Writer: Mr DaviesMr Davies

I’m pleased to announce that our new websites are now live. But you’re reading this, so you already knew that. The launch of these websites marks another major milestone in our journey as a Federation. Through these sites we will be able to increase our communication with parents as well as to provide you with more ways of interacting with the school. This transparency and accessibility is a key part of our promise to you.

Firstly, we hope you like the look of the site. My thanks to all of the children and their parents that allowed us to photo and video them, I think you’ll agree they did a great job and really bring the site to life. Both sites are different, reflecting that we see each school having its own identity, but the functionality is similar.

Search Bar

We’ve tried to keep the navigation simple, without too many dropdowns, but if you’re ever struggling, there is a search bar at the bottom of the page.

Recent News

Under News & Events you’ll find three useful sections. First up is Recent News. We’ll be using these to post key updates or news items. We’ll be keeping the newsletters for now so these will be mostly be “updates from the Headteacher” or posts on specific topics like homework. We’re also looking into how we might use these for class or year group communications, so watch this space.

Upcoming Events

Next up are Upcoming Events. These will be the big events that usually require some sort of registration, such as residentials or, as you can see below, our Open Days. These mean we should no longer have to send people off to Google forms and can instead get all the details we need within our own site.

Diary Dates

Not all events need a reservation, some are just dates for you to be aware of, like an Inset Day, or a school trip. For these we have Diary Dates, a simple list of upcoming dates to be note. Simple. All on the one page.


This is the section where we hope to put all the details in that parents of children in school might need. Please comment here if there’s something specific that you would like to see and we will do our best to include this.

About Us

This section is probably of most interest to new or prospective parents, but worth a read for all. Here we set out what we’re about including our Vision and Values and details on how we teach. As we build out the Woolton Hill Way, expect this page to be updated to reflect all that we are doing.

The websites are a work in progress and we will continue to build them out and to make them more useful to you. Please take a look around and let us know what you think, or anything you’d like to see added, in the comments below!



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