Learn more our
School Improvement plans
School improvement in action
In this selection of updates, you'll see examples of our approach to continual improvement in action. For more, visit the news page and search for "Performance".
High quality, inclusive teaching
To develop high quality, inclusive teaching that ensures high levels of pupil attainment, takes account of unique starting points and facilitates pupils with SEND or who are stuck/stalled to make rapid progress.
Build and maintain an irresistible curriculum
To build and maintain an irresistible curriculum experience that informs a sensitive school culture in which all pupils feel a deep sense of belonging.
Engage and support families
To engage and support families so that disadvantaged pupils attend school regularly and attain in-line with their non-disadvantaged peers.
Equip pupils to thrive physically and mentally
To equip pupils to thrive physically and mentally and prepare them for life-long learning through the six-strands curriculum and PE offer.
Maximise the potential of our school environments
To maximise the potential of our school environments, to create spaces which inspire children to learn well and develop a Federation specialism for excellence in outdoor learning across all subjects.
Our plan starts with our Strategic Aims
Our objectives deliver against our strategic aims
We often mention the "Federation Improvement Plan", and you may wonder what it is.
School improvement planning is a strategy schools undertake to ensure they achieve their core purpose. This includes improving learning and teaching by modifying classroom practices and management procedures.
Our strategic Plan (which takes us from 2023 to 2027) will build on our recent, strong OFSTED outcomes and focus on the key improvement priorities to ensure we are 'Outstanding' when the inspectors return.
Some elements of school improvement planning, such as performance management, are statutory for maintained schools, others, such as self-evaluation, are essential best practice.
We will regularly update you on specific achievements and progress via your bi-weekly newsletters. You can also find, further down this page, some of the more recent news about the Federation Improvement activities.
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, then please get in touch.