At The Schools of Woolton Hill, our aim is to deliver high-quality history teaching that will enable pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past, and the wider world, and inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past. The topics covered in History are informed by the National Curriculum, our local history and links to other curriculum areas such as Art.
All pupils will:
Gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world which helps to stimulate pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past;
Are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement;
Begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in history, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school, building on prior knowledge and developing substantive and disciplinary knowledge alongside historical and enquiry skills. We deliver History lessons using the Hampshire recommended ‘Six Step Enquiry Model’. This enquiry-based approach is designed to motivate the children to collect and organise information that will enable them to draw their own conclusions.
Step 1: Teacher motivates pupils to want to learn and scopes the enquiry
Step 2: Children collect information in interesting and varied ways
Step 3: Children make sense of ideas and process the information
Step 4: Children draw their own conclusions, making their own meaning
Step 5: Their understanding is checked, developed and refined
Step 6: Pupils create their final, imaginative product after teacher models
History offers the children learning experiences designed to develop their skills in information gathering, making sense of information, drawing conclusions, refining their understanding, and presenting their newfound knowledge and understanding in a variety of imaginative ways.
History lessons are taught in topics with one topic being taught every half term. During history topics, we develop pupils’ thinking through a historical enquiry with a key enquiry question which drives the topic.
Children can demonstrate their learning through a final topic outcome. Knowledge is developed through opportunities to look back to prior learning and recalling key information.
Teachers, supported by the History Coordinator, plan topics for their phase following our two year curriculum long term map. The historical coverage, knowledge and skills are mapped out in the schools own progression of knowledge and skills documents. Each lesson is differentiated to allow all children to access the lessons and be challenged where appropriate.
Formative assessment in history takes place during each lesson. Oral feedback is provided to pupils as well as written feedback, related to the learning objective of the lesson. Misconceptions are addressed and staff use learning time to ensure that children have opportunity to work through their misconceptions and continue to practice and apply the skills learnt. Children’s historical skills and knowledge are assessed at the end of each topic through a ‘hot task’ and are used to inform planning and next steps for the class and individual children. The teaching of history is monitored regularly, through book looks, discussion with staff and children, planning monitoring and learning walks. This information is used to identify strengths and areas for development of the subject, driving the subject forward.
Our children talk positively about their history learning across the school, they really immerse themselves in the topics. This is evident from regular monitoring and consulting with the children in each year group.