At the Schools of Woolton Hill we believe science is a core subject. We believe science teaching should foster a healthy curiosity of the world around us, by encouraging investigations which support our pupils to ask ‘how’ and ‘why’. We aim for children to learn through being scientists and believe their learning experiences should mirror how science works in the real world. Scientists investigate questions they are not sure about and we believe it is critical children do the same. This will foster excitement and a sense of wonder, encouraging deeper thinking, a desire to wonder why and puzzle things out. This ensures our scientific mind-set will be taken beyond primary school.
At the schools of Woolton Hill, we follow the National Curriculum, in line with legal requirements and our policy, Science is taught for one afternoon weekly and children are also engaged in longitudinal studies. Topics taught have a clear progression of skills and knowledge. Science lessons are all question lead and these questions are developed by both the teachers and the children so ensure that there is a real purpose behind each session, children can take on the role of a scientist and deepen their skills as well as their knowledge.
At the schools of Woolton Hill, our science curriculum is based on the Hampshire Learning Journey model, key ideas for science. These are organised into learning journeys for each area of learning. They are organised progressively to ensure children revisit key ideas, deepening and developing their understanding of these as they progress through the schools. Our curriculum ensures progression across the schools, from the EYFS to Year 6, reflecting the National Curriculum.
We endeavour to ensure that the science taught at the schools of Woolton hill is as relevant to children’s lives as possible and provide Science days and visitors linked to the curriculum. This allows children to apply their science learning in different contexts and ensures a deeper understanding of the relevant key ideas.
During our lessons we aspire to involve the children in the process of Health and Safety, allowing them to identify risks and learn ways to minimise them to become more independent and work more safely in their practical science.
Children’s recording should reflect the planning process and their scientific thinking and ideas. Teachers weekly planning should identify one or two specific areas from fair tests to focus on, encouraging children’s thinking to be developed. These processes should be seen across the learning journeys. When books are monitored it is expected to see their workings and annotation of their thinking so their understanding and scientific process can be seen.
Teachers enjoy teaching science and children enjoy learning it! Children use scientific vocabulary accurately and confidently and are able to apply their understanding to a context at their level.
Formative assessment in science takes place during each lesson. Oral feedback is provided to pupils as well as written feedback, related to the learning objective of the lesson. Misconceptions are addressed and staff use learning time to ensure that children have opportunity to work through their misconceptions and continue to practice and apply the skills learnt. Children’s scientific skills and knowledge are assessed at the end of each topic through a ‘hot task’ and are used to inform planning and next steps for the class and individual children. The teaching of science is monitored regularly, through book looks, discussion with staff and children, planning monitoring and learning walks. This information is used to identify strengths and areas for development of the subject, driving the subject forward.